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Another Coal Charging Car in 2020

On August 13, 2020, JSC “Dneprotyazhmash” hold a ceremony of presentation of second Coal Charging Car, manufactured this year, for the Customer – Yuzhkoks, and other industrial partners. This machine, being made in a record time period of less than 3 months, will be used for charging of coal burden into the coke ovens of 21.6 m3 volume.

As a reminder, on early March 2020 similar Coal Charging Car made by our company was supplied to another leading Ukrainian coke company – Zaporizhia Coke. Meanwhile, in order to comply with the coke production technology of the Customer, latest machine features following technical modernization:

· Completing with devices to clean knees and wells of gas exhaust ducts;

· Application of pneumatic system for cleaning / charge coal collapse inside hoppers;

· Presence of overhead crane for gas ducts servicing;

· Lower part of hopper telescope is made in the shape of a floating cone in order to prevent spillage of charging material;

· Application of weight measuring equipment within charging hoppers.

Dneprotyazhmash invited leading metallurgical design and engineering companies of our country for the ceremony: Metinvest-Engineering, SE Giprokoks, Ukrainian representatives of Danieli and Primetals. They had chance to see in person applied design solutions that will allow the Customer to prolong lifetime of systems, spares and machine in a whole, to decrease power consumption of the equipment, and to make operator’s workspace as comfortable as possible.

Engineering and Technological Institute (PKTI), a part of Dneprotyazhmash, constantly creates new and modernizes our existing range of products for coke oven batteries, making those better adapted to a Customer’s technologies and modern world challenges.

JSC “Dneprotyazhmash” (DTM) is a leading Ukrainian heavy machinery enterprise of full production cycle, a part of Dneprotechservice Scientific and Production Group (located in Dnipro, Ukraine). Founded in 1914, DTM is a major supplier of technological equipment, spare parts and engineering solutions for mining and metallurgy, construction and transport industries.

As for today, “Dneprotyazhmash” is the world’s No.1 supplier of cast-iron lining rings for tunnels and mine shafts, CIS’ No.1 supplier of bulk materials handling machines & equipment, as well as leading developer and manufacturer of equipment and spares for coke, agglomeration, ore processing, mining, blast furnace and steelmaking plants.



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